Very nice translating into visuals.

One thing missing for me is an seeming assumption of a Me or I quarterbacking the discussion. The I in ‘I think therefore I am’. What if there is no I? What if itʼs only being in action rather than I’m taking action or I am experiencing or I am this, that, and the other thing? Why must I be limited to being a thing among other things?

From another angle, how does the sensorium square up to encounters with nothing (no-thing)?

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Hey Bern! Thank you for your comment: super interesting and intriguing.

I hope you go deep in this and share your journey.

On my side, I gave some thoughts about encountering "nothing". In our earthly condition the sensory perception is linked (if not defined) by the stimuli we experience. If we experience, then some-thing exists.

In Zen context there is the Mu concept that has deeply influenced Art and Creativity.

It's so hard even just to grasp the concept of no-thing, meaning something that is outside the sensorium, thus non-provoking a non-experience. Just thinking or drawing or deliberately not drawing about it put me in a place where there is some-thing.

Thank you again Bern

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Hey Mauro, Ok. And now that we’ve named each other we’re lost as we’re pointing to that which can not be thought or spoken yet paradoxically can be know.

The Zen saying “Both speech and silence transgress.” fits here.

There’s another dialog with two disciples discussing their session with the master saying it did not go well as they questioned him too closely and perhaps it would have been better to simply watch the showing.

My story is insignificant though I attach much meaning and significance to the memories. Bad childhood, much searching, est training, moment of light, back to searching, 45+ years and increasing moments of peace, chop wood, carry water…

It's said in Zen there is a high road which I hear tell is wonderful and the low road where you make ALL the mistakes. I haven’t the guts for the high road so I have LOTS more mistakes to go…

Currently I’m in a reading group with the author of the book “Speaking Being”. We’re about to embark on the fourth read-through. It's really special to get to do this with the highly knowledgeable author and a global group of committed folks.

As many have handled the basics of survival we collectively turn towards the final frontiers of body/mind/heart/soul. Yoga says we have natures so there are different yogas allowing each nature a path for practice. One simple summary is truth/beauty/goodness covers it all. If they knocked on your door, which would you open for? Which most moves, touches, inspires you? Goodness most moves me and during this Kali Yuga (ending in the year 428,899 CE) there’s plenty of opportunity for acts of goodness

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Love it, Mauro!

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Thank you so much Mike!

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Great post and thanks for sharing a little art history.

Using chatgpt as an example, I've found it interesting the content where ChatGPT is the subject (for example I saw an atheist try to use arguments for the existence of God to get ChatGPT to say it believes in God.

You idea of a creativity spin wheel made me think of the Oblique strategies cards from Brian Eno. Perhaps we could create a sensory set?

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